Sunday, March 13, 2022

we are in production

 Yes. Finally. We are in production! My partner and I met two days ago to start filming, accordingly to our schedule, but I didn't have time to blog :/ Butttt, I'm blogging now which is what matters. And I am so happy to say that we have started filming!! It's so surreal that the weeks are passing by so fast, yet so much has happened. But we are filming, which is what matters.

So, what did we film? 

We filmed most of our flashback scenes. The flashback scenes are vital for our film opening since it gives you an insight of what the audience might expect from this film. These flashback also adds to our characters development and characteristics. 

We obviously needed multiple flashback scenes to create that sense of chaos in our characters life. Oh! We picked a name for our character. Her name is Amelia. Anyway, we really wanted to incorporate multiple flashback scenes to show the obstacles that Amelia faces on a daily, but we are including these flashbacks while she's at the track (this adds to our ultimate purpose and meaning for the film, which is Amelia's love for track, and how that is her escape, and not just Amelia's but to any teenager that might be seeing our film, and all the hardships they go through high school).

So, the first flashback scene we filmed, we required a very special guest..... my partners dad. Yes. For our first flashback scene we wanted to show the hardships that a teenager might face with their parents. We also wanted to bring up the aspect of the pressure that many teenagers face with grade and succeeding academically. So, we filmed this in the kitchen with both my partner and her dad arguing. We did two shots and over the shoulder shots to show them interacting. We also did a few close ups of my partners dad slamming on the countertop of the kitchen. So why include all of these shots? To illustrate the situation and the relationship between them.

Then we filmed a trophy flashback scene. We filmed to flashbacks that included trophies. One was that we included just a viewing of the flashback to foreshadow the next flashback scene to the audience, and to also establish that Amelia is good at what she does. The other flashback scene we filmed was Amelia throwing her trophies to the floor. We decided to include this to illustrate that she is torn in her love for track, due to her other hardships in her life, as well as the emotions she feels towards her awards and accomplishments; she doesn't feel she deserves them (we did these with close up and mid shots).

Next, we filmed a shot post throwing the trophies. It's a shot of Amelia defeated sitting on the floor surrounded by all her trophies on the floor. She has mascara on her face, implying that she is crying. We wanted to included this to show the emotions that Amelia goes through. And to better illustrate it, here are some pictures:

Well, that's it for this blog. It was a long one. I'll be back soon for an update.

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goodbye for now (ccr)

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